Look at the Equipoise results. Harm and side effects of Boldenone.

Look at the Equipoise results. Harm and side effects of Boldenone.

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boldenone cycle results

One of the most frequently raised questions is the side effects of Equipoise and what harm it can do to an athlete’s health. Experience shows that the frequency of side effects in Equipoise is quite low (less than 4%) and there is almost no irreversible harm to health. Several studies have confirmed that Equipoise is a safe steroid, and in one experiment on mice, it was found that the incline dumbbell fly improve the quality and longevity, in addition, security Equipoise can be confirmed by the fact that in some studies very large doses were used (25 g per day) for a long time, while the subjects did not have any health problems. However, side effects of Equipose are sometimes found.

Some side effects are associated not only with Equipose, but also with the components with which it is often combined, for example, simple sugars, vasoactive amino acids, etc. In view of the fact that the mechanism of action and biological activity of the Equipoise cycle is not yet fully understood, many side effects effects have no clear explanation.

Equipoise cycle

Side effects that are associated with the osmotic activity of the Equipoise cycle have the strongest justification; in other words, Equipose consumption is associated with an increase in water retention in the body. This phenomenon occurs in almost everyone who consumes Equipose, at the same time, water retention does not cause harm to the body, and occurs as a compensatory reaction that would balance the osmotic imbalance. By itself, the water retention is practically not noticeable, and it can only be determined by weights, no swelling and “swelling” healthy faces do not occur. Typically, the increase in the percentage of liquid is not significant, on average its volume is 0.5 – 1.5 liters, which cannot be determined externally or subjectively.

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Do not try to limit fluid intake, and especially do not take diuretics, which would prevent fluid retention. By reducing the manifestations of this safe phenomenon, you can harm the body due to dehydration.

As a rule, after the cancellation of the Equipoise cycle, there is a drop in weight (20 – 30% of the dialed), this is associated with the removal of accumulated liquid.


Equipoise cycles, in combination with Testosterone in its various modifications, are usually aimed at gaining muscle mass. Usually use Testosterone Enanthate or Testosterone Cypionate – forms with esters corresponding to the long half-life of Equipoise. These are long cycles in comparison with other compounds, mainly because of the half-life, which ensures the slow release of the main active substance, and, as a result, requiring more time for the manifestation of the visible effect.

The Equipoise cycle for beginners is usually used in combination with Testosterone Enanthate (or Cypionate), which helps to ensure a significant increase in muscle mass in the long term. Equipoise intermediate cycles may additionally include the use of an oral compound, for example, Dianabol (methandrostenolone). The amount of Testosterone Enanthate (or Cypionate) in this case can be reduced to just maintain normal physiological function. Dianabol is added from 1 to 4 weeks, and the total cycle time is 12 weeks.

Since the half-life of Equipoise is 14 days, it would be ideal to divide the weekly dose into two even doses.

Boldenone cycle results

Dehydration is directly related to the previous effect. The osmotic activity of the Equipoise cycle leads to the transfer of the liquid part of the blood into the muscles, thus, to some extent, the body is dehydrated, and the metabolism, thermoregulation, acid-base balance, etc. are disturbed. This dictates the need to consume enough liquid in a volume of up to 3 liters per day. Adequate rehydration allows you to normalize the electrolyte balance of the internal environment of the body, as well as to prevent some other side effects of the Equipoise cycle.

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This problem is particularly relevant in bodybuilding, since many athletes taking Equipose begin the so-called drying with the help of diuretics and stimulants that remove fluid from the body, in this case, the body can be seriously damaged, even fatal.


The second most common side effect of Clinical Equipoise is gastrointestinal distress, which is manifested by abdominal pain, nausea, flatulence, and diarrhea. Especially often problems with digestion arise during the loading phase, when of the hammer curls benefits are used. Micronized, encapsulated and liquid forms of the Boldenone cycle results have been created to prevent this side effect, although the latter are not recommended because of their low efficiency.

New chemical forms of Boldenone cycle results (Ethyl Ester, Crealkaline, and others) have the same side effect on the intestine as monohydrate, contrary to advertising slogans. Quite often, manufacturers go to the trick and advise to use new forms in small doses. Of course, this reduces the frequency of side effects, but in a place with this decreases and efficiency. Studies have shown that the dose of new forms to get the proper effect should be the same as monohydrate.

Cramps and cramps

boldenone cycle results

These side effects often sound on forums and in the press. In practice, seizures occur very rarely. Some scientists generally deny the connection of convulsions and spasms with clinical Equipoise, as tests on athletes do not reveal a clear pattern.

Muscle spasms may occur as a result of electrolyte disturbances and dehydration while taking Equipoise steroid, as a prophylaxis should consume a sufficient amount of fluid. In addition, the role of increasing power indices is assumed, in other words, convulsions can occur as a result of an increase in muscle strength, so they undergo a greater load during training, and at rest, as a recovery reaction, spasms occur.

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Acne or acne when using Equipoise steroid is detected very rarely, this is due to an increase in testosterone production and is a positive indicator in terms of gaining muscle mass.

Side Effects of Eq Steroid on the Liver

Eq steroid has no side effect on the liver, even in large doses (more than 30 g once).

Clinical Equipoise Side Effects on the Kidneys

The study showed that Equipoise steroid does not cause changes in the concentration of renal markers and clinical significant side effects on the kidneys in healthy people, even in large doses (more than 30 g once).

Non-existent side effects and harm

Currently, you can find a lot of unreliable information regarding the side effects of Eq 200 steroid. To resolve doubts, a list of non-existent side effects and harm to Equipoise is presented:

  • Equipoise does not increase blood pressure
  • Equipoise does not reduce potency, and does not lead to infertility
  • Equipoise is not carcinogenic.
  • Equipoise does not overload the heart
  • Equipoise is not addictive.

Finally, it should be noted that after the end of the cycle, gained muscle mass is maintained at 70-80%. Some weight loss (20-30%) occurs due to the removal of excess fluid.

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